Herbal Tea: How to Make, Which Herbs & More

Herbal Tea: How to make, which herbs & more

Herbal tea has never been more popular, and yet the industry has never felt more stagnant. It seems to be the same flavours and formulations, over and over, with little room for experimentation... it's time to change that. 

Below you'll find a list of alternative herbal teas, a world of unusual tastes and aromas, and even some potential health benefits to boot. Read on for a lowdown on which herbs you can use and a few recipes bound to expand your herbal tea horizons. 

Which Herbs Can I Use to Make Herbal Tea?

There are a number of herbs on our site that can be used to make herbal tea.  Here are some of our favourites:

Those are our most popular options for tea-brewing, but there are plenty of others on the site that function wonderfully as tea too. 

If you're looking for some pointers on how to make your own super tea with our herbal ingredients, we've got you covered with some suggestions below.

A person with painted nails in winter clothing holds a warm mug with both hands.

Herbal Tea Recipes

Reishi Mushroom Tea

Reishi mushrooms are immune-system-boosting, nutritionally dense fungi. Studies have found that they can combat inflammatory and allergic responses. 


  1. Take 2 large slices of reishi mushroom and place them into boiling water
  2. Leave the water to boil for roughly 15 minutes
  3. Remove the pot from boil, then strain the tea
  4. Pour into a mug and enjoy your mushroom-infused brew!
Reishi Mushroom Tea - Herbal Tea for Health

Purchase: Dried Reishi Mushroom 灵芝 (Sliced Ling Zhi) | (50g) | £2.70

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng is a plant native to East Asia that has been cooked with and used medicinally for thousands of years. It has immunomodulatory functions, potential anticarcinogenic properties, and may have use in improving cognition. 

  1. Combine all ingredients in a non-aluminium, heavy-bottomed pot.
  2. Simmer on low heat for roughly 1 hour.
  3. Remove from the hob
  4. Pour into a cup and enjoy.
Ginseng Tea - Herbal Tea

Purchase: Sliced Ginseng 人参切片 (Ren Shen) | (50g) | £20.40

Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

A beloved brew that offers a unique taste, chrysanthemum flower tea is also high in antioxidants. 

  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. Select 4-5 chrysanthemum flower buds.
  3. Put the buds into a mug, then pour the boiling water on top.
  4. Allow to steep for 3-5 minutes.
Chrysanthemum Flower Tea - Herbal Tea

Purchase: Dried Wild Chrysanthemum Flowers 野菊花 (Ye Ju Hua) | (500g) | £12.60

Ginger Tea

Ginger has been used in cooking and medicinal circles for millennia. Apart from its unique flavour profile, ginger may also have anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, anti-carcinogenic properties, and more.

  1. Break up or grate dried ginger.
  2. Place into a large mug or jug and add boiling water.
  3. Leave to steep for roughly 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid into a separate cup.
  5. Add a squeeze of orange or lemon for a zesty kick.
Ginger Tea - Herbal Tea for lung wellness

Purchase: Dried Ginger Root 干姜 (Gan Jiang) | (100g) | £3.60


We adore herbal tea, but we think there's a whole world out there past the overabundance of chamomile and lavender offerings. Our picks will give you a new culinary experience, broadening your palette in the process.

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1 comment
  • Excellent blog post about the benefits of herbal tea for health. I also would like to talk about the natural brute Khamare. This brut aids in the treatment of female intimacy issues.

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