How to Make the Perfect Chrysanthemum Tea: Benefits & Best Tips

How to Make the Perfect Chrysanthemum Tea: Benefits & Best Tips

For herbal tea lovers, making the perfect Chrysanthemum tea is all about getting the right steep to ensure maximum taste and benefit from the herbs. 

Just like a traditional cuppa, too much milk, and it tastes like a flat watered-down cup of disappointment. On the other hand, not enough time for the teabag to steep and you've got a delightful cup of... nothing special.

So, to make sure your herbal teas hit the right spot every single time, here's how to create the perfect Chrysanthemum tea.

Stick on the Kettle

A kettle boils with a purple hue.

Reach for your favourite cup and get the kettle boiling. Once the water has boiled, you're ready to rock and roll. 

Flower Power

Dried Chrysanthemum Flower Buds

Time to bring out the star of the show. We recommend using 4-5 Dried Chrysanthemum Flower Buds to create the perfect herbal tea. 

Combine the Two

Chrysanthemum Tea

Here's where the magic comes together. Add the boiling water on top of the flower buds and allow to steep for 3-5 mins (sweet spot)

You can then either keep the flower buds in the cup or remove them—your choice!

Sweeten the Senses 

Honey in bowl

If you're more of a sweet tooth lover, add a touch of honey to give your Chrysanthemum tea that extra kick. 

Potential Benefits

Traditionally, Chrysanthemum flowers are more widely known for being sold in hand-tied bouquets and contain many potential health benefits. It has been around for over 1000 years and originated in China.

Rather than using just the leaves, Chrysanthemum teas work best when the whole flower is infused with hot water. It also contains vitamins, minerals, and soothing chemicals, making it a delicious and highly nutritious drink!


Dried Chrysanthemum Flower Buds in bowl
So, now you've got the perfect Chrysanthemum Tea formula; kick back, relax, and weave into a world of peaceful herbs. 

Click here to explore the Culinary Herb Range

For any further queries, please email and we'll be happy to help. 

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